Great Insurance, Great Rate.
Personable and Professional.
Go for Joe.
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What we believe in
Reliable and Relatable. Know the person helping you.

JoeJoe Argabrite

Joe Joe is a native from West Virginia. He is an expert at insurance and securing his clients the best rates for their needs. Argabrite has worked in the industry for 3+ years. Joe has a proven track record and is gladly taking on more clients

Get to Know Joe
Why were Different

Not just insurance.

Wake up knowing your needs are taken care of. Wake up knowing that if you have questions you have someone you can call, a face you can remember, a person you can trust.

Brite Insurance is here for you.

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Licensed to use 50+ brands in over 8 states including WV, TN, VA, SC

What Type of Insurance is right for you?

We know that everyone is different and everyone might have a different need for insurance. That's ok! We at Brite Insurance, offer many different packages and we work tirelessly to find the best deal that is right for you.

Relax friend. Joe is on your side.

So what are you waiting for?

Go for JOE.

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